Mastermind Advisor Podcast

When Should You Market and Who Should You Target?

Episode Summary

With summer approaching and people preparing for some much-anticipated time off, advisors will often ask us whether they should also give their marketing efforts a break. It’s a great question and it brings up a much wider discussion on when and who to target.

Episode Notes

With summer approaching and people preparing for some much-anticipated time off, advisors will often ask us whether they should also give their marketing efforts a break. It’s a great question and it brings up a much wider discussion.

When should (or shouldn’t) you be marketing? And how should you be targeting your marketing efforts to generate quality leads for seminars and webinars? If you could get the answers to these questions, it would make your job much easier.

In this episode, we’ll share the data we’ve garnered through our own marketing efforts and talk through some of the strategies we leverage to get the best prospects to our events.


Featured Quote:

"Just because you have someone who registers, does not make it a good lead yet. You have to get them to go through a process before you can book that appointment."  - Mastermind Advisor Marketing


Here is some of what we’ll cover in this episode:


If you  want to watch this episode, check out our YouTube channel for the video: 



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