Mastermind Advisor Podcast

Tips for Taking Your Business Virtual

Episode Summary

This episode will focus on helping advisors take a better approach during those first virtual meetings. Josh and Vince discuss the importance of focusing on education and building an emotional connection with clients, rather than just pushing sales. They touch on how the sales process has evolved over time and share insights on how financial advisors can achieve success in today's market.

Episode Notes

We’re in a different world today than we were just a few years ago, and advisors are learning to adapt their business to this online world that we all operate in. The struggle most advisors face is establishing that connection with a prospect or client during those first meetings in a virtual environment.

The initial conversation usually focuses on the numbers and jargon but is that approach most effective? Probably not, and that’s why many advisors aren’t as effective yet in this new online environment. Instead, let’s take a step back and try to understand more of “the why” for that person you’re talking to.

This episode will focus on helping advisors take a better approach during those first virtual meetings. Josh and Vince discuss the importance of focusing on education and building an emotional connection with clients, rather than just pushing sales. They touch on how the sales process has evolved over time and share insights on how financial advisors can achieve success in today's market.

Featured Quote:

Make sure when you do your first meeting, that you are not just trying to get the data but also going through the emotional part… - Mastermind Advisor Marketing

Here is some of what we’ll cover in this episode:


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