Mastermind Advisor Podcast

Marketing That’s Working Right Now

Episode Summary

December can be a challenging month for financial advisors, with fewer appointments and a surge in cancellations. However, keeping your pipeline brimming for the new year is pivotal. That’s why we want to drill down on two marketing strategies that are working right now and that’s webinars and seminars.

Episode Notes

You have to be good at closing virtually and good at closing in person, but you first have to be able to get in front of people and that’s what we’ll help you with in this episode. That’s the biggest problem many advisors have right now and webinars and seminars are still a trusted way to accomplish that. 

It’s not just about the numbers when you run these events, and we'll underscore the essentiality of quality over quantity when it comes to appointments and leads, the perfect ad spend for webinars, and the art of nurturing leads before they attend.

Here is some of what we’ll cover in this episode:


Featured Takeaway:

"I think for the most part, you can't feed yourself if you don't get in front of people. Right. And that's, that's the first problem that most advisors have."


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