Mastermind Advisor Podcast

Marketing For Financial Advisors

Episode Summary

In our first episode, Vince, Jag, and Josh sit down to define marketing - and what that looks like at the end of 2022.

Episode Notes

In our first episode, Vince, Jag, and Josh sit down to define marketing - and what that looks like at the end of 2022.

Simply creating content - a podcast, a webinar, a website isn't marketing.  Without marketing, it's the proverbial "tree falling in the woods" and nobody will know about it!

Vince has been around the financial space his entire life, including running his advisor firm, CFG Retirement.  Josh comes from the marketing world. with vast experience in websites, and Jag is a long-time radio host turned podcaster    Throughout this episode, you'll learn how our three hosts combine that experience to help our Mastermind clients.

Many financial advisors are small business owners - and are flooded with ideas of how to market themselves.  Rather than take a chance on the next shiny object, wouldn't you rather trust a proven system developed by folks who have been in your shoes?

Marketing is not just promoting your business; it's about making that personal connection with your potential clients.  That goes beyond having the latest industry buzzwords on your website - Vince explains how he's been able to make genuine, values-based connections with investors by sharing personal stories.

Josh gets down to the nitty-gritty on the data tracking he's done - you won't believe what the average cost per prospect is for Mastermind Advisor Marketing clients.  This is because of a specific approach. In other words, we're hunting with a sniper rifle, not buckshot.

Want to learn more?  Book an appointment with us: