Mastermind Advisor Podcast

How to Get a Better Show Rate for Appointments

Episode Summary

We tend to judge our marketing results based on the number of appointments we get booked, but we don’t always talk about how many people show up for appointments. That’s the true judge of performance because good leads result in more business, and we’ve found a process that delivers a very strong show rate.

Episode Notes

Today we’ll take you through our very specific process that has provided a show rate near 95% for seminars and 80% for webinars. Things like which days and times are more important than many advisors believe. Plus, stick around to the end because we’ll share one important thing that will help make sure people are showing up.


Featured Quote:

"When people say, ‘Yeah, I have a system that follows up with people like it sends them a confirmation.’ That's not enough. You have to send them multiple emails." -Mastermind Advisor Marketing


Here is some of what we’ll cover in this episode:


If you  want to watch this episode, check out our YouTube channel for the video: 



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