Mastermind Advisor Podcast

Building an Effective Marketing Funnel to Drive Quality Leads

Episode Summary

Advisors are always looking for new ways to bring prospects into their marketing funnel and that’s something we’ve spent many hours trying to perfect. There’s never one solution and it’s an ever-evolving process, but we want to spend some time discussing what we’ve found to be effective through trial and error.

Episode Notes

Join us as we take a look at six different ads and the strategies used to pull people in. Josh and Vince we’ll evaluate each one, share what they like and what they would change. Plus, they’ll also explain why every lead you get isn’t necessarily a strong one and why they’ll make people jump through a few hoops to filter it down to the best prospects. 


Featured Quote:

"You'll get leads, okay. That's not the problem. You'll get leads no matter what way you go. What it comes down to, though, is how do those leads come out? Are they qualified? Are they show up to the appointment?"  - Mastermind Advisor Marketing


Here is some of what we’ll cover in this episode:


If you  want to watch this episode, check out our YouTube channel for the video: 



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