Mastermind Advisor Podcast

5 Things Destroying Your Facebook Ads

Episode Summary

Advertising on social media platforms such as Facebook is more than just a passing trend; it’s a powerful marketing tool with the potential to drive significant traffic to your business.

Episode Notes

Just look at the numbers. In 2022 alone, Facebook generated nearly $114 billion in advertising revenue and that’s expected to grow over the next few years. With that much money pouring into the social media platform, it’s obviously an effective solution for many companies. However, like any other tool, it needs to be used effectively to yield the desired results. 

This topic came to mind because we were in a Facebook group recently and read a few comments about what you should and shouldn’t be doing with Facebook ads. Sure, that person might be getting plenty of leads from the ads, but they probably aren’t qualified. We’ve seen this play out over and over so we’re going to spend this episode talking about how to get someone through the funnel – from the lead to the appointment on your calendar – with the quality you’re looking for. e.


Here is some of what we’ll cover in this episode:


Featured Takeaway:

"I'd say the majority of Facebook is e-commerce ads, I don't think the majority of it is people trying to fill their seminars, so it's a little different."


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